Audio Winner
“Your Money and Your Life,” by Chris Arnold, Uri Berliner, Neal Carruth, Lori Todd, John Ydstie, Heidi Glenn, Ariel Zambelich, Avie Schneider, Alyson Hurt and Annette Elizabeth Allen, NPR
Beat Reporting Winner
“Testing Theranos,” by John Carreyrou, Michael Siconolfi and Christopher Weaver, The Wall Street Journal
Breaking News Winner
“Inside the Dow-DuPont Merger,” by David Benoit, Jacob Bunge, Dana Cimilluca, Dana Mattioli and Dennis K. Berman, The Wall Street Journal
Commentary Winner
“Inside the Boardroom,” by James B. Stewart, The New York Times
Explanatory Winner
“Insult to Injury: America’s Vanishing Worker Protections,” by Michael Grabell, Howard Berkes and Lena Groeger, ProPublica & NPR
Feature Winner
“The Unraveling of Tom Hayes,” by David Enrich, The Wall Street Journal
Images/Graphics/Interactives Winner
“Making Data Visual,” by Amanda Cox, Gregor Aisch, Kevin Quealy, Matthew Bloch, Wilson Andrews, Josh Keller, Karen Yourish, Eric Buth, Nicholas Confessore and Sarah Cohen, The New York Times
International Winner
“Malaysia’s Missing Millions,” by Tom Wright, Bradley Hope, Simon Clark, Mia Lamar, Justin Baer, Tom Di Fonzo and Paolo Bosonin, The Wall Street Journal
Investigative Winner
“Seafood from Slaves,” by Margie Mason, Martha Mendoza, Robin McDowell and Esther Htusan, The Associated Press
Local Winners
“Payday at the Mill,” by Whit Richardson and Steve Mistler, Portland Press Herald & Maine Sunday Telegram
Personal Finance Winner
“Aging’s Costliest Challenge,” by Donna Rosato, Kate Santichen, Alexandra Mondalek and Shayla Hunter, Money Magazine
Video Winner
“Joanna Stern’s Videos,” by Joanna Stern and Drew Evans, The Wall Street Journal